Landscapes - Algeria

Moments - Algeria

People - Algeria

Dunes are like mountains for Tuaregs
Despite them moving slowly, they all have a name and location, which helps allows to navigate around the Sahara
Sunset view from the big dune of Tin M’erzouga in the Algerian Tadrart region at the corner of Algeria Niger and Libya
Star trails over the Tadrart Rouge
Do you see the mirage?
That’s not a lake and that is not water in the middle of the desert. It’s a mirage - a pure optical illusion
Nuances of colours - black rocks, red dunes and pale cracked argile
The diversity of landscapes in the Tadrart region is unique and never boring
Red dunes and black rocks
That’s the Tadrart Rouge!
5 times a day - wherever we were, this was the ritual.
Washing hands and feet with sand and facing east towards the Quibla.
Most Tuaregs practice Islam and have developed their own distinctive brand of the religion.
Tuareg belong to the Maliki sect of Islam, resulting in most of the feasts being observed and celebrated with relish, but the fasting that is required during Ramadan is often excused, as they travel so much.
They believe in the continuous presence of various spirits (djinns).
Most Tuareg men wear protective amulets that contain verses from the Koran.